PixelfedHelpEvery account on Pixelfed, Mastodon and the rest of the Fediverse has a unique address called a "Fediverse address" or "account address". It's always in this form:
@ (your username) @ (your server)
You can usually see people's Fedi addresses on their profile pages next to their usernames, and these are also often shown on posts too.
These addresses are really useful because anyone on any server can paste the address into the search box on their server (either in the website or the app) and the account will appear, even if their server hasn't noticed your account yet.
You can try it out right now by pasting my address into the search box on Mastodon, Pixelfed or most other Fediverse platforms:
@ PixelfedHelp @ pixey.org (but without the spaces)
PixelfedHelp Every account on Pixelfed, Mastodon and the rest of the Fediverse has a unique address called a "Fediverse address" or "account address". It's always in this form:
Show more@ (your username) @ (your server)
You can usually see people's Fedi addresses on their profile pages next to their usernames, and these are also often shown on posts too.
These addresses are really useful because anyone on any server can paste the address into the search box on their server (either in the website or the app) and the account will appear, even if their server hasn't noticed your account yet.
You can try it out right now by pasting my address into the search box on Mastodon, Pixelfed or most other Fediverse platforms:
@ PixelfedHelp @ pixey.org (but without the spaces)
#Pixelfed #PixelfedTips #FediTips